Study Cases


Definition: technique refers to searching for references of resolutions in similar contexts or in different contexts, in order to inspire for the creation of strategies. One can analyse both qualities and defects in cases, since flaws found in other cases can help prevent. Some pertinent questions in this regard are: what are the qualities of the cases? What is useful for our resolution?

To organize the cases found, it’s suggested to create a table (in Excel, for example), inserting the most relevant information of each of them, within categories, such as: case title, location, description of how it works, stakeholders, strategic advantage, source, etc.

For short training, as there would be no time for participants to search for cases to inspire their resolutions, 10 cases related to the prison environment were previously prepared, which could inspire them in the level of planned strategies, technologies employed, stakeholders, etc.

Objectives: inspiration, identify opportunities for innovation.