MOBi it’s an innovative project that aim to deliver a multi-modal approach, bringing together civil society and (ex) offenders.
In society the mainstream is to think that the reintegration of offenders only depends on the successful completion of the programmes started in prison. Or in other words that sucessful reintegration only depends on Prison and Probation Services. It seems society delegates its responsibility on the system and only interacts with it when they feel their safety is endangered again. Society emphasis is on reaction and not on proactivity.
It proposes a looking glass:
- How we, civil society, are contributing to be the turning point in each (ex) offender life?
- What are society’s perception on (ex)offenders and the CJS?
- And about its role on reintegration?
- The project stands to develop a training course on community awareness of (ex) offenders’ rehabilitation and reintegration, breaking cycles of reoffending and social exclusion; and also to help EU to involve a large number of actors on this social problem, making all of us playing our full part.